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  • Ten2 Project

Eyes of Light: Finding Light in the Midst of Darkness

"I've seen miracles, I've seen healing...from darkness to light."

An encouraging testimony of transformation: an English woman's story of how God took her from darkness to light.

As a child who was unwanted growing up, she was a disappointment. Before she knew Christ, she was "lost", depressed, on drugs and even attempted to commit suicide.

"The doctors said if I didn't pull myself together [I wouldn't make it]. I couldn't, I couldn't pull myself together, [but God did]. Within weeks, I testified to the power of God."

After her suicide attempt, doctors were impressed that she wasn't permanently damaged by her attempted overdose.

Hers is a story of redemption. God completely transformed her into someone completely new. In her words, it was like “night and day”. From undesired to desired, from broken to whole, she became a child of God and her eyes became full of light.

Fifty-five years ago, she accepted Christ and she would later witness her entire family come to know Christ.

“I've done missions in South Africa [and] Belgium. I've gone preaching in the streets of England with United Christian Mission.”

"John Wesley once said, 'The world is my parish', and I agree with that. So I will go to the whosoever, I will go door knocking, I will preach on the streets, I will do house groups, I will do whatever it takes to tell people the good news of Jesus Christ."

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

She went on to say: "At the end of the day, it's down to believing the supernatural power of God." That’s what this all comes down to, the supernatural power and the extravagant love of God. He is good.

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